所有的王牌都代表其最純粹形式的代表元素的力量,這對於體現土元素和物質世界的 “聖皿 “牌來說也不例外。這包括一個人的身體、財務以及自然界的領域。這時你可能會得到一個很好的機會;也許是一個能帶來更多報酬的機會。現在可能有很大的機會可以讓你創造一個新的開始。只要有一點愛和關懷,就能把王牌中的機會發展成偉大的東西。只要你能駕馭它的潛力,富足就在等著你。這張牌也表示財務和身體與精神緊密相連。這裡有關於財富的知識,用來建立一個人的精神,而不是將其作為目的。
All aces represent the power of their representative elements in their purest form, and this is no different for the suit of Disks, which embody the element of earth and the material world. This includes the realm of one’s physical body, finances, and also the natural world. You may be offered a great opportunity at this time; perhaps one that will lead to greater compensation. There can be great chances available to you now to create a new beginning. With a little love and care, one can grow the opportunities in the Ace of Disks into something great. Abundance is waiting for you if only you can harness its potential. This card also indicates finances and physicality tied closely with the spirit. There is the knowledge here of wealth here used to build one’s spirit, not as an end to itself.