聖盤二據說代表了 “和諧變化 “的概念,即世界的自然狀態,一切都在流動和變化,但始終保持平衡。宇宙中的對立力量之間存在著推拉關係,如生長與衰亡、收益與損失、退潮與流動。它們共同創造了宇宙的節奏,總體上是和諧的,儘管個別情況下可能會感到混亂。這張牌提醒我們,我們是一個更大的整體的一部分,為了在這個更大的整體中和平地生活,我們也必須改變和適應。現在是一個靈活的好時機,順勢而為。
The Two of Disks is said to represent the concept of “Harmonious Change”, the natural state of the world, where everything is flowing and shifting, but always remaining in balance. There is the push and pull between opposing forces of the universe, like growth and decay, gain and loss, ebb and flow. Together they create the rhythm of the universe, that collectively is harmonious, even though individually, it may feel chaotic. This card reminds us that we are part of a much greater whole, and in order to live within that greater whole with peace, we must change and adapt too. Now is a good time to be flexible, and go with the flow.