這張牌在傳統的偉特體系塔羅牌中被稱為 “力量”,為了更好地說明野獸和更高自我之間的關係,這張牌的名字被改成了 “慾望”。這不是一種支配和壓制的關係,而是一種有意識的理解和接受。我們每個人都有本能的動物性;忽視它和讓它逃跑都是危險的。只有通過接受我們的自然本能,我們才能釋放並受益於其力量。慾望被認為是大阿卡納後半部分的第一張牌,一個人進入自我深處的旅程在這裡開始。這種向深處的跳躍是從追求我們的激情開始的,即使它們通常不被認為是精神上的。如果從真正的激情角度來看,所有的事情都可以是靈性的。
Known as Strength in the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition, this card’s name is altered to Lust in order to better illustrate the relationship between the beast and the higher self. It is not a relationship of dominance and repression, but rather one of conscious understanding and acceptance. All of us contain an instinctual animalistic nature; it is dangerous to ignore it as well as to let it escape. It is only through acceptance of our natural instincts that we can unlock and benefit from their power. Lust is considered the first card in the second half of the Major Arcana, where one’s journey into the depths of the self begins. This jump towards the depths starts with the pursuit of our passions, even if they are not typically thought of as spiritual in nature. All things, when looked at from the perspective of true passion, can be spiritual in nature.