當 “聖杯四 “的冷漠進一步發展時,它就變成了 “聖杯五”。 Geburah是破壞的象限,以及由破壞引起的變化。應用於金銀裝,它意味著情感世界的痛苦。你可能會感到失望,因為你想實現的目標並沒有按照你的計劃進行。只有兩個杯子是顛倒的,是空的,意味著不是所有的都失去了。你可能發現很難看到剩下的3個杯子還在那裡等著你去撿。你仍然有機會朝著更好的方向發展,如果你不允許自己被悲傷和恐懼所征服。不要讓一次失望打消你接受新挑戰的念頭。
When the Four of Chalices’ apathy develops further, it becomes the Five of Chalices. Geburah is the sephirah of destruction, and the changes that arise from that destruction. Applied to the suit of Chalices, it implies suffering in the emotional world. You may be feeling disappointed that what you had wanted to achieve did not turn out as you had planned. Only 2 of the cups are upside down and empty, meaning that not all is lost. You may find it hard to see the 3 remaining cups that are still there for you to pick up. You still have the chance to move on towards something better, should you not allow yourself to be overcome by grief and fear. Don’t let one disappointment dissuade you from taking on new challenges.